Saturday, 21 September 2013

Remove Pimples

Pimple Problems :

How to remove Pimples...

5 best ways to remove Pimples :

Mr. Lemon : A quick way to get rid of pimples is the use of lemon juice as it is rich in vitamin C. It helps pimples dry up faster & be sure to use fresh juice and not bottled juice, which contain some preservatives.
How to apply :
a. Take a Cotton ball dip it in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the pimples before going to bed.
b. Make a paste of cinnamon powder with a tablespoon o flemon juice & apply it on the pimples in night.Wash it in the morning from skin with lukewarm water.

Mr. Garlic : It is an antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant & antiseptic agent that can help to remove pimples fast. The sulphur in garlic also helps in quick healing of pimples.
1- Cut a fresh garlic clove into two pieces.
2- Rub the garlic on the pimples and leave it for five minutes before washing the skin with lukewarm water.
3- Repeat the treatment several times a day.

Mr. Cucumber : It is a rich source of potassium and vitamins such as A, C and E. It has a great cooling effect on the skin.
1- Cut 1 or 2 fresh cucumbers pieces and dip them in water for about an hour. The nutrients will transfer to the water.
2- Strain that water and drink it, or u can use the water to wash your face.

Mr. Papaya : This fruit has a no. of properties which can help in the treatment of pimples. It is also a good source of the antioxidant vitamin A which helps reducing inflammation and make your skin soft and smooth. Also the exfoliating capability present in papaya removes dead skin cells and help clear clogged pores. Just crush raw papaya pieces to extract its juice and apply it over the pimples.

Mr. Honey : It is a source of natural antibiotics which speed up the healing process, also help prevent infections.
1- Dip and clean cotton ball in honey, put it directly on the pimples and leave it on for half 1 hour.
2- Wash your skin with lukewarm water.

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