Friday 27 September 2013



Poha is very Delicious & simple dish of Maharashtra. It Is called "pohe" in marathi or "avlakki bhat" in kannada. It is easy to cook & will take very short time. Poha is made up of Beaten rice. It is very light, You can eat it into morning Breakfast & in Evening with Tea also.


  • Beaten Rice Two cup
  • Groundnuts 50 gm
  • Onions medium size 2
  • Tomato 2
  • Green chilly 2
  • Mustred seeds
  • One Potato
  • Chopped curry leaves
  • Chopped coriander
  • One pinch turmeric powder
  • Salt to taste

How To Make Poha?

Take Beaten rice & soak it into water for some time.wash & drain out water.
Spring some salt & pinch of turmeric powder in it.
Cut small pieces of onion, tomato, chili, & potato.
Heat oil in pan , add peanuts to crackle, mustered & put curry leaves.
Add potato to saute them then add onion, salt & green chili.
When onion turns golden brown then add tomato & stir it well.
Now time to add poha & mix it well with mixture.
Put chopped coriander on it to decorate.
Put lemon juice on it & your delicious poha is ready.

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