Friday 27 September 2013



Have a look at his career graph and the variety of roles he has been doing, you’ll know the typical chocolate boy who did the notorious towel dance in his debut movie has come a long way.

His personal trainer Pradeep Bhatia helps him get the look he must portray in different movies. Bhatia has been training RK for three years now.

The Problem

Since Ranbir Kapoor is a complete non-vegetarian, there is a singular lack of vegetables in his diet. Hence, his mom (former actress Neetu Singh) prepares vegetable juice for him in the morning. It contains all the possible vegetables, so he gets his intake.

Ranbir Kapoor’s Workout Schedule

Ranbir Kapoor has appointed a dedicated trainer who takes care of what he eats, drinks and the physical activities he indulges in. Since Ranbir doesn’t have time off his busy shooting and endorsement schedules, a personal trainer who can be with him on a full time basis was the best choice.

So Pradeep travels to all the actor’s shoots and makes sure he doesn’t miss his workouts and eats right. Ranbir Kapoor also visits to Sanjay Dutts’s gym five days a week for around 1 hour to an hour and 30 minutes a day.

Hardcore Gym Workout

Ranbir doesn’t likes to practise Yoga or Swim. He is into hardcore gym workout schedules. His workout is planned in a way to take care of his chest and back but cringes. He also works on his legs. Ranbir likes to listen to music while working out.


Ranbir runs a lot to maintain his stamina.


Kapoor plays football regularly.

Weights and Cardio

Ranbir follows a fixed schedule comprising of weights and cardio four times a week.

The Energy for Workout

Ranbir Kapoor has protein shake both before and after workouts.

Ranbir Kapoor’s Diet Plan

Ranbir is a foodie with less appetite. His trainer keeps a close watch on Ranbir’s diet. Here’s the diet chart Ranbir has been following recently to maintain his super cool looks:


• Milk with cornflakes and a banana


• Egg white omelette and brown bread toast with a glass of fresh juice/Black/espresso coffee


• Tandoori chicken

• Daal

• Two Rotis


• Grilled salmon

• Fish

• Chicken

Ranbir’s Diet on the Sets

• Fruits

• Juices

• Green tea

• Darjeeling tea

Supplements Prescribed for Ranbir Kapoor

• Multi- vitamins

• Whey protein shake (twice a day) – after workouts and after dinner

Ranbir Kapoor is Mad about

• A soft drink he endorses

• A slice of cake

• Grand mom’s food

• Salami

• Cream cheese

Ranbir Kapoor’s Health Habit

• He drinks a lot of water throughout the day

Ranbir Kapoor’s Favourite Cuisines

• Italian

• Chinese

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