Saturday 21 September 2013


Happy Famliy :

1. Switch your family to a 'happy family'

Of any society families are the essential building blocks and they make a happy society. Everyone wants to live in a happy family. Family is the place where human beings find the accomplishment of life. Modern families often face multiple relationship issues which have emerged as contribution of the changed lifestyle and less intense relationships.

Living in a happy family is important to get each and every human being into some of thier responsible social beings. These are the places where kids and elders live with a feeling of security and also places of sharing, care and concern & love too. Mutual understanding and love creates the unbreakable bond between family members and if taken care of certain aspects, any family can be made a happy family.

Having & creating a happy family is no magic as it requires just an extra Effort to nurture love, to facilitate communication and to make each feel contented and secure. Let us see few of the inevitable building blocks that make a happy family.

2. Add these :

Laugh together.
Let everyone be themselves.
Spend time actively engaged with each other.
Put God at the center.
Be positive and foster compassion.
Compromise and pick your battles.
Separate bathrooms!
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Take time to be together with no extracurricular activity scheduled.
Make each other a priority.
Tell each other you love them all the time.
Pray together, play together and dream together.

2day's Health Quote

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live ."

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