Saturday, 21 September 2013


Ayurveda :

1. what is Ayurveda ?

Ayurveda is a holistic and natural medicine that causes no side-effects and has many side-benefits. It is a system of prevention oriented natural health care that focuses on restoring balance at the deepest level of the mind and body. It treats everyone as an individual and treats the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of the individual. The goal of Ayurveda is to become healthy, happy, and live a life of full potential.

2. What Is The Purpose Of Ayurveda ?

Aims of Ayurveda are:
* To maintain the health of healthy people
* To cure diseases of ill people
Ayurveda is rightly enjoying widespread resurgence all over the world. With healthcare becoming exorbitant and fraught with risks, health-conscious individuals are taking more responsibility for their own health and well-being. People have started realizing that alternative holistic health systems like Ayurveda will help them lead a healthy life and prevent diseases even before they occur.

3. How is Ayurveda medicine different from modern medicine ?

Ayurveda is an age-old medicine that originated in India. It is timeless but was first written down about 5,000 or 6,000 years ago. No one can really put a time on it. It is a holistic medicine because it deals with the mind, body, environment, behavior, and consciousness of the individual.

Ayurvedic Treatments :

Ayurvedic massage treatments

A massage does magic. It treats the body as a whole both mentally and physically, making the body more flexible. The circulation of blood is increased and metabolic waste are disposed, which is turn relieves the human body of anxiety, depression fatigue, circulatory disorders, rheumatic and arthritic complaints, backaches , sprains and injuries.
The process : the patient lies down on a table carved out of a special medicated wood. The masseur follows principles from the ancient ayurveda and massage allows the body motion Duration : massages can be done for a single session or for a continuous period of time ranging from 7 to 21 days , as needed by the patient and prescribed by the doctor . Each session is generally 50 minutes and vary according to each treatment in consultation with the ayurvedic physician Benefits : increases longevity of life. Retards ageing. Overcomes fatigue. Sound sleep. Good physical appearance. Add self confidence. Revitalize nervous system. Nourishes the body
Abhyangam is a full body massage using medicated oils prepared according to the ancient ayurvedic texts. In this process, massaging has its own importance but it's the action of medicated oils which are of the therapeutic value that does the job. By this treatment various tissues in the body are properly oleated and lubricated making the skin sensitive , soft and shining and thereby preventing excessive wear and tear of the body tissues. Abhyangam gives relief to anxiety, depression, fatigue, circulatory disorders, arthritic complaints, backaches sprains and injuries.
Shirodhara In this process lukewarm herbal oil (Ksheerabala oil) is poured in a special rhythmic style on to the forehead from a perforated earthen pot suspended above for 30 minutes.(15 minutes massage,30 minutes shirodhara).This treatment is done mainly for Insomnia, mental stress, nourishes and rejuvenates the nerves, increases blood circulation of the head and brain. It bestows better vision, better hearing, clears nasal problems and makes one cool and relaxed.
In this treatment lukewarm medicated oil would be poured over the person's body in a special rhythmic manner (masseur soaks the linen in oil and squeezes it over the clients body.) by two masseurs for 45 -60 minutes. Pizhichil is also prescribed for healthy persons as a rejuvenate and preventive treatment. Indication: Spondylitis, Arthritis, Hemiplegia, Nervous disorders, Sexual weakness.
In this massage boiled Njavara rice (Boiled in Cow milk and decoction of sida chordifolia) would be held inside a small linen cloth bundle and it would be soaked inside the above said combination and massaged over the body by two Masseurs. (Done in seven positions). Indications: Emaciation of limbs, Rheumatism and joint pains.
In this massage, medicated powder (kolakulathadi choornam) would be held inside a small linen cloth bundle and it would be soaked in warm medicated oil and massaged by two masseurs in a rhythmic motion. Indication: Spondilosis, Osteoarthritis, oedema, Hemiplegia.
Ela Kizhi (Pathra Potala Swedam)
In this massage certain herbal leaves would be held inside a small linen bundle and it would be soaked inside warm oil and massaged over the body by two masseur. Indication : Rheumatoid arthritis, Stiff joints, Low back ache, Generalised body pain, Spondilitis, osteoarthritis.
Muthira Kizhi (Kulatha Swedam)
In this massage horse gram is powdered, held inside a small linen bundle, it would be made warm and massaged over the body by two masseurs. Indication : Rheumatism, joint pain, inflammation of joints, stiff joints, Any type of pain.
Ksheera Dhara
Medicated milk would be poured over the body or head (Any herb which has cooling action as vetever would be boiled with the milk. Herbs used are according to the ailment.) Indication : Insomnia, mental tension, Head aches of Vata, pitta, predominance, rejuvenative, nourishes the skin.
Udvarthanam (Powder Massage)
This is a special type of Ayurvedic massage done with a special herbal powder (kolakulathadi choornam, Vara choornam) in a rhythmic motion (Upward motion) by one or two masseurs. This massage is included in our slimming programme. Indication: Obesity. (Removal of excess fat.)
Specially prepared warm medicated oil is poured over the lower back and retained inside a herbal paste boundary for 30 minutes. Indication: Back pain and Spinal disorders.
Like kativasthi specially prepared medicated oil (oil used is according to the ailment) is poured over the chest and retained inside a herbal paste boundary for 45 minutes. Indication : It is good for Asthma, heart disease and muscular chest pain. Gives strength to the thoracic part.
Luke warm herbal oil (Ksheerabala oil) is poured into a cap fitted on the head for 15 - 60 minutes per day according to the patients condition for a period of seven days Indication : Facial paralysis, Insomnia, Migraine, good for the scalp and for the head, cools the head.
Nasyam (nasal infusion)
Medicated oil, herbal extracts, (Anu thailam, Cephagraine nasal drops) would be instilled into the nostrils after Oleation and fomentation of face, throat and thoracic part. Indication: Sinusitis, Headaches, Facial paralysis.
Head massage
In this the masseure gives special massage to the head and scalp . Indication : Head ache, Stress, Good for hair growth and increases blood circulation.
Herbal Facial
After massaging the face with oil (Special massage oil), certain herbal preparation and creams are applied over the face. Indication : Gives colour and tones up the skin.
Herbal powder made into a paste by mixing with medicated oils are applied on the scalp for a fixed time. Indication : Head ache, Myofascitis, Sleeplessness.
Thala pothichil
Herbs according to the ailment is made into a paste and pasted over the head in half inch thickness. Indication : Mental retardation, psychic disorders, migraine, sleeplessness.
Chavutti Thirummu ( Massage with foot)
This is a special art of massage in which the masseure does the massage with his one foot by holding on to a string. (Dhanwantharam oil). Indication : Obesity, certain types of injuries, back ache, Inter vertebral disc prolapse.
Pieces of cloth soaked in medicated oil (Dhanwantharam, Kottamchukkadi, Karpooradi, Murivenna.) would be put on joints or other areas according to the physicians advice. Indication : Body pain, joint pain, arthritis, Old age disorders Spondilosis. (Gives lubrication to the joints. Good to be put over the vertebrae and joints)
Snehapanam (internal oleation therapy)
Ghee preparations are internally administered for certain types of disorders and also for clearing the bodily channels as a preparatory measure in Panchakarma.
Gandoosham / Kabalam
Medicated oil, decoctions, juice of plants are taken into the mouth, kept for some time and then spit. Indication : Strengthens the teeth, Mouth disorders.
Netra Tharpana
In this treatment medicated oil, ghee or other medicines are poured into the eye and retained inside a herbal paste boundary. Indication : Good treatment for all types of eye disorders.
Netra Sekam
A special decoction with several herbs (Thriphala choornam) are made and with it the eyes are washed. ( It should be sieved and used) Indication : Gives good vision, protects the eyes from cataract and other eye disorders.
Medicated oil is instilled into the ear. Indication : Pain in the ear, wax, infection of the ear.

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