Sunday 6 October 2013

Reduce thyroid..

To reduce thyroid:-

This is a very effective form of pranayama. Sit down on the floor in a comfortable cross-legged position. Take a deep breath & then exhale quickly, while making a sound.  Always remember while doing Kapalbhati – you have to forcefully and quickly exhale, but slowly and deeply inhale. Continue doing this for 10 times & then release.

 Ujjayi Pranayam:

Sit down on the floor in a cross-legged straight position. Inhale slowly and deeply by both the nostrils. Try to make a hissing sound while you are sucking in the air. After that, stretch your inhale time for a while & then exhale as much as you can without giving any kind of pressure to your other body parts.  This type of pranayama is very effective for those sufferiung from bronchitis, asthama & thyroid.

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