Wednesday 9 October 2013

BABA ramdev yoga poses

Best yoga practice:-

Reasons for hair loss:-
  • Too much stress
  • Aging
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Medication
  • Hormonal problems
  • Using too many hair products
  • Heat treatments on hair
  • Genetics

1.(Rubbing nails)Balayam Yoga:-

This yoga asana was made famous by Baba Ramdev. It is simple and highly affective.

  • You can do this asana either sitting or standing.
  • Curl the fingers of both hands inwards towards your palm.
  • Bring the nails of both your hands in contact with each other and start rubbing them vigorously ensure leaving out the thumbnails.
  • Keep rubbing your nails continuously for 5-7 minutes at a stretch.
Besides hair loss, Balayam yoga can also cure dandruff and premature graying of hair.
By doing this, the roots of the hair follicles connected to the fingernails pump energy to the scalp needed for hair growth.

2.(Stand forward bend pose) Uttanasana:-

  • Stand straight with your legs close to one another touching your knees, heels, feet and toes.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Now while exhaling, lift up your hands and bend forward, until your fingers and then your hands touch the floor.
  • If possible, you can also bring your hands behind your heels.
  • Hold on this position with some normal breathing.
  • When you want to come out of this pose, inhale in deeply and stand back straight.
  • For beginners, if you are not able to touch the ground with your hands, then fold your hands and hold your right elbow with left hand and left elbow with right hand.
This asana it helps better hair growth because of two reasons:
  • If you have noticed, your head is hanging below your heart allowing allows blood to circulate properly in your scalp leading to proper hair growth.
  • Another reason is that Uttanasana de-stresses you and relieves you of all anxiety and tensions which is a primary reason for hair loss.

3.(Rabbit pose)Sasangasana :-

  • Sit with your knees on the floor, hips on your heels in Balasana pose (child pose).
  • Now put both your hands at the back and hold your heels.
  • Place the crown of your head on the floor and slowly inhale and lift up your hips.
  • Hold this position until five breaths.
  • Exhale as you slowly unroll yourself back to child pose.
  • Relax and repeat again.
  • This asana is again beneficial because while the crown is on the ground, the blood flows to the head. Proper circulation of blood to scalp means good and healthy hair growth.

4.(Camel Pose)Ustrasana:-

  • Sit straight on the floor with your knees in a way that the calves of your knees form right angle.
  • Keep hands on your waist, fingers in the front and thumb behind.
  • Now bend your spine backward and hold the heels of your feet with your hands or you may also touch the soles of your feet.
  • As you bend your spine, also move your face upwards and try looking at the ceiling.
  • Hold on this pose for a few seconds and keep your breathing normal.
  • Exhale while exiting from this pose.
  • Sit in baby pose or Balasana and relax.
Follow some precautions while doing this posture:
  • For beginners, do not bend backwards too much as it may cause injury to your lower back.
  • You need Flexibility for this asana, if your body is stiff, you’ll never be able to complete this asana until the end.

5.(Downward Dog pose)Adho Mukha Svanasana:-

  • Place yourself with your knees and hands on the ground. Your hands perpendicular to your shoulders and your knees perpendicular with your hips.
  • Next push your hips up and alongside straighten your legs too, standing on your toes.
  • Pressing your palms to the ground, straighten your spine more.
  • To exit from this pose, pull down your hips gently and come back to the first step.

6.(Diamond pose)Vajrasana:-

  • Sit on the floor keeping your spine erect and with stretched legs. Your heels should be together.
  • Place your hands by your side palms facing the ground.
  • Now you have to fold both your legs, keeping them under your thighs; first the left leg and then the right.
  • Place your hands on your upper thighs.
  • Sit in a relaxed position and breathe in and out deeply.
  • When done, return back to your original posture of sitting with stretched legs.

7.(Fish pose)Matsyasana :-

  • Lie down straight on the floor with your legs together, both your hands should go at the back of your thighs with palms facing downwards.
  • Now with pressure on your elbows, pull the mid portion of your upper torso dropping your head a bit more backwards such that the crown of your head touches the ground.
  • Your body position will be such that an arch will be formed between your hips and crown. Breathe in deeply and try filling in as much oxygen possible to your respiratory organs.

8.(Raised feet pose) Uttanpadasana:-

  • Lie on the yoga mat with arms by your side and palms facing the floor.
  • Stretch your body and slowly raise your legs at a 45-60 degrees angle from the ground.
  • Keep your legs raised for a minute or even more if you can hold it.


How to make saag in easy steps



One kg mustard leaves (sarson)
250 gms spinach leaves
250 gms bathua
Salt as per taste
1½ tsp red chilli powder
6-7 green chillies
4 medium sized onions or scallions (you can use both)
3-4 medium sized tomatoes
2 tsp coriander powder
Half a tsp sugar
A piece of ginger
7-10 garlic cloves
2 tsp cumin seeds
A tsp garam masala
Half bowl yoghurt
½ cup cream
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil
2-3 tsp flour wheat
 saag in easy steps recipe:-
Half fill a wide-mouthed pan with water and immerse a bunch of mustard leaves in it. Use your hands to cleanse them within water; as water gets dirty, change it and again wash the leaves. Do until sarson leaves are free from all sand and other impurities. Repeat the process with the remaining leaves. Similarly wash spinach and bathua too. The whole process may take a great deal of your time.

Monday 7 October 2013

Recipe for pav bhaji

Pav Bhaji:-


12 Pav buns
2 Onions
3 tsp Dhania Powder
5 Tomatoes
2 tsp Jeera Powder
3 Potatoes
2 tsp Chilli powder
1 cup Peas
4 tsp Pav Bhajji masala
1/2 cup Carrot
Salt to taste
1/2 cup Beans
1/2 cup Coriander for garnish
1/2 cup Cabbage
2 tsp Lemon Juice
1/2 cup Capsicum
1 cup Cauliflower
1' piece Ginger
Garlic optional
2 Green chillies finely chopped


  • Heat a pan with oil & add the onions. Fry till translucent. Add tomatoes,salt,add all the powders and fry till the oil floats on top.
  • Steam all the other vegetables seperately & add them to the onion mixture.
  • Add a cup of water & let it cook to boiling consistency. Then With the help of a potato masher keep mashing the mixture till it cooks nicely.
  • When all the vegetables are cooked thoroughly garnish with coriander & lemon juice and serve with Pav.
  • For the pavs:
  • Slit open the pavs from the middle. Apply butter in the inside & place them on a pre-heated frying pan.When they get golden brown from the inside take them off.
  • Serve hot with bhajji.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Reduce thyroid..

To reduce thyroid:-

This is a very effective form of pranayama. Sit down on the floor in a comfortable cross-legged position. Take a deep breath & then exhale quickly, while making a sound.  Always remember while doing Kapalbhati – you have to forcefully and quickly exhale, but slowly and deeply inhale. Continue doing this for 10 times & then release.

 Ujjayi Pranayam:

Sit down on the floor in a cross-legged straight position. Inhale slowly and deeply by both the nostrils. Try to make a hissing sound while you are sucking in the air. After that, stretch your inhale time for a while & then exhale as much as you can without giving any kind of pressure to your other body parts.  This type of pranayama is very effective for those sufferiung from bronchitis, asthama & thyroid.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Yoga for Curing Diabetes

Baba Ramdev yoga for Diabetes:-

1. Kapalbhati is one of the best options for a diabetic. If a diabetic person practices this technique regularly, then certainly he can get his disease controlled. This is a very effective form of pranayama. Sit down on the floor in a comfortable cross-legged position. Take a deep breath and then exhale quickly, making a sound.  Always remember while doing Kapalbhati, you have to forcefully and quickly exhale and slowly and deeply inhale. Continue doing this for 10 times and then release. This works as a blessing for diabetics and helps in controlling the disease.
2. Anulom-Vilom is another way of treating this disease. Anulom Vilom is also known as alternate nasal breathing. Here, you have to close the right nostril and inhale with the left nostril. Then immediately close left nostril and exhale with the right nostril. In this way try breathing slowly and deeply by changing the nostrils.
All the 3 types of pranayama help in de-stressing and treating this disease. Asanas are also effective and the best options for treating diabetes. To learn Mandukasan in the simplest way, just follow the steps given below:
3. Mandukasan: Sit down on the floor in Vajrasana position. Now make fists of both your hands and place them on your stomach in such a way that the joint comes on the navel. Press both the fists against your abdomen. Now try to touch the ground with your forehead. Try bending downwards as much as you can. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then release.
4. Ardha Matsyendrasana: Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor and then slide your left foot under your right leg. Lay the outside of the left leg on the floor. Step the right foot over the left leg and stand it on the floor outside your left hip. Press right hand against the floor just behind your right buttock, and set your left upper arm on the outside of your right thigh near the knee. The right knee will point directly up at the ceiling. Here, you have to exhale & turn towards the inner side of your right thigh. Remain in this position for about 30 seconds & then release. Try doing this the other way too.

5. Vakrasana: For this, you have to sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Now, keep your right hand on your left hand on your left knee. Try to twist your body in the left direction. Do not forget to keep your posture straight. Try doing this in the right direction too.
Try these above mentioned tips, breathing exercises and asanas of the ramdev baba yoga of diabetes and your diabetes will definitely be in control. Stay healthy & keep practicing! Please share us your comment.

Ayurveda for Digestion...

6 Ayurvedic Tips for Better Digestion:-

1. Sip (do not simply drink) warm water throughout the day, especially first thing in the morning and at least thirty minutes before larger meals. This will help cleanse your digestive system and facilitate the secretion of gastric juice in the stomach.
2. Use spices. Spices not only provide flavor but they also improve digestion. Some of my favorites are ginger, black pepper, rock salt (Himalayan salt), turmeric, lime, and coriander.

3. Approximately 15-30 minutes after eating, sip on ginger, chamomile, or peppermint tea. (Yes, sipping again and not drinking.) The difference between sipping and drinking is that the former gives a kick to your digestive system whereas the latter floods your stomach and slows down the process.
4. Avoid sleeping straight after eating. Even if you're really tired or full, it's better to go for a walk. This will stimulate your digestion.
5. In the evening, try to eat warm and light meals. In the evening our body begins to slow down, including our metabolism. So try to avoid raw foods like fruit, salad, and dairy products. They all have a 'cold' energy which make them more difficult to digest.

6. Get active! Yes, physical activity is directly related to a good digestion. It stimulates your metabolism, improves your blood flow and helps to relax your mind. 

How to make kheer

Kheer recipe:-

Cooked Rice – 1 cup
Whole Milk – 2 cups
Sugar – 3 tbsp or to taste
Raisins – 1 tbsp
Chopped Pistachios – 1 tbsp
Chopped Almonds – 1 tbsp
Powdered Cardamom – 1/8 tsp
Saffron – a pinch

1. In a heavy bottomed pan, on medium heat, add in the the Milk and the Rice.
2. Grind the Saffron with a little bit of Sugar and add it to the Milk.
3. Meanwhile, soak the Raisins in a little bit of water to help puff them up.
4. Keep stirring the pan and make sure it does not burn at the bottom.
5. Cook till it is of desired thickness.
6. Once it reaches the desired thickness, add in the Sugar. Mix well.
7. Add in the Dry fruits – Raisins (without the water), Pistachios and the Almonds.
8. Turn off the flame and add in the Powdered Cardamom.
9. Serve hot or cold.
1. If you are making the rice just for the Kheer, over cook the rice just a little.
2. This is a great recipe if you don’t have a lot of time but alternatively, you can add in raw rice and cook it in the milk and it tastes great. But be very careful and and keep stirring frequently.
3. If you like a smoother texture of rice in the kheer, just mash it lightly before adding it to the Milk.